Our Day Program Services are designed to give adults with intellectual disabilities the skills needed to reach their greatest potential. Participants include those individuals living within our Communities.
Programs include an Adult Training Facility (which includes an aging support component), Community Participation Services, and opportunities to work or volunteer within the community. Please see the links below for additional information.
Since 1975, both Don Guanella and Divine Providence Villages have provided employment opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Individuals have the option of combining community employment and other day program attendance.
Our Day Programs provide a safe, caring environment that allows individuals with disabilities to create meaningful and independent lives. Protocols are in place to ensure the individuals’ health and safety during the pandemic as well as continued precautions as we emerge from this current public health crisis. All staff who work in our ATF Day Program must be vaccinated against Covid-19 as well as wear face masks. The Day Programs are located at Our Lady of Fatima Parish at 10 Fatima Drive in Secane, PA 19018. Phone: 484-475-2559.
Individuals in the Day Programs are afforded many opportunities to explore their local communities, meet new people and learn new things. Examples include shopping expeditions, visits to the local “Y”, outings to restaurants, museums, theatres, etc., and may network with outside businesses for employment or volunteer opportunities.
Community Participation Support (CPS)

CPS provides individuals with an intellectual disability various supports to engage in lifelong learning by trying new things, building their skills, developing networking supports, and integrating into the community.
Our CPS program coordinates activities in the community on an inclusion basis and allows individuals to strengthen their independence with the support of our Direct Support Professionals.
Some activities include:
- Participation in community yoga classes
- Community hiking
- Visiting the local farmers market
- Volunteer opportunities
- Visiting the local library
- Attending pottery classes
- Visits to the zoo
And many more!
Community Participation offers individuals with intellectual disabilities opportunities to integrate into the community and develop a sense of inclusion. One-to-one staffing assists in the exploration of the community by engaging in educational and fun activities. Individuals in the Community Participation program receive assistance building peer relationships, navigating the community, accessing resources, and developing needed life skills.
This CPS functions 100% in the community. Individuals are picked and dropped off at their homes. These outings offer individuals with intellectual disabilities opportunities to integrate into the community and develop a sense of inclusion. One-to-one staffing assists in the exploration of the community by engaging in educational and fun activities. Individuals in this CPS Community Participation program receive assistance building peer relationships, navigating the community, accessing resources, and developing needed life skills.
Aging Program

This dually licensed program operates as an Adult Training Facility (ATF) licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare as a prevocational facility, and the Department of Aging as an Older Adult Daily Living Center (OADLC). Individuals are integrally involved in all decisions about their participation in our day program and supported by a team of staff committed to helping them achieve person-centered goals.
The goals and services of the program aim to improve quality of life and promote/maintain optimal functioning to the extent that the individual is able. Core services of the Aging Program are personal care, nursing services, social services, therapeutic activities, nutrition and therapeutic diet, as well as possible emergency care as necessary.
Additional services and supports might include assistance in performance of personal needs and basic daily living activities, therapeutic activities including music, movement and nursing services directed at maintaining health and wellness, nutritional oversight during meals, and social wellness through individual and group activities that bring personal satisfaction.
Program Specialists will establish an Individualized Support Plan (ISP) or an Individualized Program Plan (IPP). The IPP or ISP is developed to evaluate progress and set goals for the individual to achieve desired optimal functioning. As a licensed day program, goals are required and the individuals input into their care plan.
Volunteer & Community Employment

The Divine Providence Village Day Programs provide individuals with intellectual disabilities the supports they need to actively pursue volunteer opportunities or employment in the working community. An Employment Specialist provides job-readiness and career interest assessments, volunteer and job placement support and guidance while learning new skills. This person-centered approach allows each individual to have an active part in obtaining a volunteer or competitive employment position within his/her community.
The Divine Providence Village Day Program is a contracted provider for the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). Supported employment services includes: Community Based Work Assessments (CBWA), job development, job coaching and extended services to OVR consumers 21 years of age and over with intellectual disabilities, and individuals ages 18-21 who have graduated from a special education program.
Supported employment ensures that employers are:
- Consulted about accommodations, incentives and disability job awareness.
- Matched with qualified, dependable, enthusiastic employees eager to work.
- Provided assistance with job coaching.
- Contacted regularly for employee job performance updates.
Adult Training Facility (ATF)

The emphasis of the ATF is on functional life skills, personal management and recreational/leisure activities. Here, an interdisciplinary support team gives individuals the opportunity to explore and maximize their potential in areas such as life skills, gross and fine motor skills, cognitive and sensory stimulation, socialization, and communication and pre-vocational tasks. The ATF operates from a staff-to-individual ratio of 1:3. This program uses in-house activities and community outings to achieve the individuals’ personal goals.