The 400 men and women that make up the Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence rely on your generosity to support the quality continuum of care that provides for their needs.
Approximately 10% of our residents have no family to care for them. We are their family. Well over half of the members of our Communities have a diagnosis of severe to profound intellectual disability and need specialized care to supply their most basic human needs. We do that with love and generosity, recognizing in each individual the image of God.

The Communities Don Guanella and Divine Providence
envision a world where people with intellectual disabilities are respected, accepted, and appreciated for their unique gifts and abilities. In full partnership with Catholic Social Services, families, employees, and volunteers, Don Guanella and Divine Providence offer best practices, caring services, and a quality of life, which enhances the fulfillment of each individual’s God-given potential. In so doing, the program brings hope to many and transforms their lives as well.
Recent News
The Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence Host Annual Family Christmas Celebration
Over 400 individuals were in attendance at the Springfield Country Club for this festive occasion, including those served by DGDP as well as their families and caregivers.
Divine Providence Village Celebrates 40 Years of Serving Women with Intellectual Disabilities
Not only has the residential home for women and girls with intellectual disabilities in Springfield existed for 40 years, it has also thrived by witnessing the love of God reflected in the faces of the women it serves.
The Communities of Don Guanella and Divine Providence Celebrate Summer in Enchanting Style
This year, DGDP’s Day Program hosted the formal celebration at Our Lady of Fatima with an Alice in Wonderland theme. DGDP residents enjoyed an enchanted afternoon filled with magical dancing and a tea party!